Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Welcome to Kusadasi, (EPHESUS) Turkey November 3, 2010

     Next stop...Turkey!   The history in each port was beyond what we could imagine.  This is a very historical and religious stop.  The house where Mary, the mother of Jesus, spent her last days is here. 
St. Paul also addressed the Epehsians here at the Great Theater.  There is also a Basilica that marks the tomb of John , a disciple of Jesus.
     Ephesus was the capital of Asia Minor.  The Library of Celsus was beyond description!  It was in the center of the city and our focal point as we walked down the main street.  This library is one of the best preserved of this time period.  It was finished approximately 125 A.D.  This to me is so amazing as it is still somewhat standing!!  Just to think as we walked on the steps and stepped inside that there was so much history here.  
Approaching the Celsus Library

Okay...little history here!!  Public toilets and who do you think warmed the seat?
Guess the slaves did...EWWWW!!

The Celsus Library up close.  It was beautiful beyond words!

As people arrived from port, this street lighted the path.

View of The Grand Theatre, one of the largest in the ancient world.  It
could seat 25,000 spectators. 

Later we drove to a location where we tasted wine
and saw carpet weaving and
spinning silk from silkworm cocoons. 
The hand woven carpets
were amazing!

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