Saturday, February 19, 2011

Day five of our Mediterranean Cruise...Rhodes and Lindos, Greece

      On day five of our cruise (November 2, 2010) we toured the Island of Rhodes, Greece.  We were able to visit Lindos and the city of Rhodes.  Again, the views were so very breathtaking.  We walked to the acropolis (highest point) and were definitely getting in our exercise daily on each of these stops.  We also enjoyed more shops in Lindos, our first stop, and later Rhodes.  I did buy some jewelry here and a lovely handmade olive dish.   We saw numerous olive trees on our stops so I felt an olive dish was a good reminder of this trip.  Although, the olives that are harvested here are made into oil.  Nets are place under the trees and they simply shake the branches or wait for the olives to fall.  It is difficult to get to a lot of the trees since they are on such high cliffs, hence the nets.  I love black olives now and have always used olive oil but now I have a new appreciation for this wonderful oil.  They also sold bars of olive soap that is suppose to be wonderful for your skin.  I bought a lot for friends.  I can't really remember seeing as many olive trees on this particular stop but they had the soap, oil, and handmade dishes!!
View as we traveled to Lindos.

Homes dot the cliffs.

One of the fortresses built on the Island of Rhodes in the city of Lindos.

More spectacular views from acropolis.

Finally...the acropolis...highest point!  Whew!! 

Shops along the narrow streets of Lindos.

     After shopping in Lindos, we boarded our bus again to go to the city of Rhodes which is located at the northern tip of this fabulous island.  Rhodes is known for its fertile soil.  They produce many fruits, vegetables and red wine.  While we were in the city of Rhodes we did shop for some local wine to take back to the ship with us.  You are able to bring wine back on the ship.  We often enjoyed a glass or two before dinner.  You can also take it to dinner and pay a corking fee of about fifteen dollars.

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