Thursday, February 17, 2011

Naples, Italy...Pompeii & Amalfi Coast

     Our second day of the cruise we went ashore to tour Naples, The Amalfi Coast, and Pompeii.  We began our day early at Pompeii when few tourists were there.  It was a great way to visit this ancient city.  The city is remarkably intact from the day of the eruption of Vesuvius in August 24, 79 AD.  Therefore, it is simply amazing and a MUST SEE.  Pompeii lay hidden under six meters of ash for centuries and was unearthed approximately two centuries ago so the history of this city is undescribable.  Again, I purchase an overlay book with dvd so I could see the before and after of each place in the city we were visiting and have historical information to refer back to. 

Looking up one of the many streets in Pompeii. 

First "fast food" restaurant. 
Customers stood and food was in round containers
that kept food warm and cold. 
I thought that was OUR idea!

Notice the stepping stones that people crossed on
when the street had water in it.

Theatre with seating of the wealthiest on the marble seats and poorer at the top.  Some things just never change!  There were assigned seats or "season ticket holder" if you will.


More vessels and miscellaneous artifacts. 
The condition of these pieces are amazing!

More artifacts found in Pompeii.  

A view of Mt. Vesuvius in the distance. 
This was the Forum.


Inside a bath house. 



      After our visit to Pompeii we toured the Amalfi Coast.  It amazed me that the homes were built on a cliff like area.  The views were breathtaking but to get to any of the houses would be a chore.  Our guide said that once people can no longer climb the steps they remain in their home and that is the way it is.  YIKES!!  We stopped in a quaint town, Positano, for shopping, pizza, and wine.


  Our final stop was a beautiful town for a look at the stores, cathedrals, and some more wine! 

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